24. cdist integration / using cdist as library

24.1. Description

cdist can be integrate with other applications by importing cdist and other cdist modules and setting all by hand. There are also helper functions which aim to ease this integration. Just import cdist.integration and use its functions:

  • cdist.integration.configure_hosts_simple for configuration

  • cdist.integration.install_hosts_simple for installation.

Functions require host and manifest parameters. host can be specified as a string representing host or as iterable of hosts. manifest is a path to initial manifest. For other cdist options default values will be used. verbose is a desired verbosity level which defaults to VERBOSE_INFO. cdist_path parameter specifies path to cdist executable, if it is None then functions will try to find it first from local lib directory and then in PATH.

In case of cdist error cdist.Error exception is raised.

WARNING: cdist integration helper functions are not yet stable!

24.2. Examples

# configure host from python interactive shell
>>> import cdist.integration
>>> cdist.integration.configure_hosts_simple('',
...                                          '~/.cdist/manifest/init')

# configure host from python interactive shell, specifying verbosity level
>>> import cdist.integration
>>> cdist.integration.configure_hosts_simple(
...     '', '~/.cdist/manifest/init',
...     verbose=cdist.argparse.VERBOSE_TRACE)

# configure specified dns hosts from python interactive shell
>>> import cdist.integration
>>> hosts = ('dns1.ungleich.ch', 'dns2.ungleich.ch', 'dns3.ungleich.ch', )
>>> cdist.integration.configure_hosts_simple(hosts,
...                                          '~/.cdist/manifest/init')